I know I can do anything by God because of the encouragement of my Grandpa, Because of the encouragement of my Grandpa.Because of his good reputation he helps keeps me safe with his advice and of course, his choices.He gains good reputation every day and does not mind lending a hand to his friends and family.
I admire my Grandpa because he is extremely helpful, nice and fair.My Grandpa has great encouragement to keep my day wonderful and that can make me feel like I can climb a mountain.He makes me happy and still does.He fells more like my hero that make me feel like I can run the country, though I can not my Grandpa can cheer me up with his kindness and the word of god.He tells me that even if you do not reach a goal or target, you should be happy because of the great person that you are.This is a few reasons why I admire him and that he will be my hero always.